
Dear Robert,
I especially like your ‘New Series’ – the scenes are very relaxing and the colors you chose really enhance them. Interestingly, the way you paint them also gives me the impression that I know the weather in each painting. I feel like going to PEI when I look at them!    – Marisa K., Brossard, QC

Hi Robert,
Congrats on the new site! It is so interesting to see all your work. Monet, Renoir,…Kramberger, it’s only a matter of time.
All the best,
Kim, Montreal, QC

A few years ago, recently back from a ski trip to Whistler, BC, I attended one of Robert’s exhibits. I was immediately captured by one of his paintings depicting the Whistler Mountains in the distance. The painting hangs in my office right next to my computer, and I get to admire every day.    – Pierre Faucher, Montreal, QC

Hi Robert! I looked through your paintings and if I may give you my 2 cent input: I see a definite progression with more color and details!! Very nice.  Glad you are enjoying yourself in this realm and becoming more authentic to your true self. Wish I could do the same. Maybe one day!  Cheers!    – Cheryl , Greenfield Park, QC

Love the new series.  You are a master of natural scenery.  My favourite is Lac Hertel.  The reflection of the hills in the lake is really beautifully done.  The colors are gorgeous. And for the painting I own: Hudson Oka #2 hangs proudly in my entrance way for people to see as they come in.  It’s sense of calm and peace draws me in every time. Congratulations on a wonderful collection Robert.   – Christina P., Montreal, QC